Saturday, November 24, 2007

4 Car Chaos

A Little Off Topic here, but if you're on a bike, don't ride like I drive my car in this computer game :) [Dug it up from my google video archives...] The music is set to some sweet Fat Boy Slim. Actually, running away from the cops (i don't recommend it) is kind of like bike racing. You're trying to tear away from everyone's leash anyway... breakawayyyy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have to agree that some of the installation locations are more for art over function (at least for being able to lock bikes to the rack).

    There are a couple more photos on Google that show the rack and the pump in use.

  3. James,

    Interesting idea. Low efficiency as harv said. This is also an age old concept, several patents exist :

    1. Deneal's Locomotive Drive

    2. Z.T Ubil's Frame Air Reservoir

    3. Moore's upright reservoir on seat tube

    Not a marketable technology in my view.


Thank you. I read every single comment.