Monday, July 07, 2008

Tagged!! Six Random Things About Me..

Don over at Cycling Phun has tagged me in Six Random Things About Me, the game of talking about yourself until everyone in your audience has trickled down to nil.

Ok, I like to imagine it won't be as bad as that.

So here are the rules of the game :

Link to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Write six random things about yourself.
Tag six people at the end of your post.
Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Okay, here's six random things about me.

First, here's a piece from Kraftwerk to get you moving.

Ok here goes :

1. I dont drive, and I'm damn proud of it. (until I get shipped out to Houston, Texas hee hee!)

2. I started writing short stories at age 10 and then specialized in macabre, influenced by the Doom series of computer games and Stephen King (still love him!).

3. My next passion to develop would be shooting. Lets hope it will be productive!

4. One of the things I regret most is being invited to the Global Young Leader's Conference and not having the money to fly to Washington D.C! That sucked..

5. I've been to 6 countries and lived for more than a decade in Dubai. See this and this and this if you didn't hear of Dubai yet.

6. The truth behind the age "16" shown against my profile on the right was a polite way to ward off relentless emails from bicycle companies for employment. :)

Tagging time! Zach, Cyclingfans, Elden (Fat Cyclist), James, Fritz and and...and... who else, yes..the great Dave Moulton.

Be a sport, and lets hear all your randomness....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was wondering about the age 16 thing in your profile. And of course, your life is scientific proof that violent video games lead to an unhealthy interest in shooting sports.

    I'll be in a meeting all day today so my post might be late. In the meantime, may I direct you to this old chain letter "tag" thing?

  3. Yeah, computer games suck. I need to go to rehab :)

    Hey atleast shooting is better than golf. Golf slows me down, and I'm ignorant about it too.

  4. Would of thought the age 16 thing would attract more offers. Extremely enthusiastic about engineering, obviously intelligent and with a degree, all at age 16.

    Hell, at 16 you have 49 more working years here in Australia. I would lock that in if I was bicycle company and I wanted an engineer...

    Whoever stopped offering you jobs has a bad human resources manager.


  5. I shot 100 10x once.


  6. Number 6. Yeah, but now your email box is full of date requests from old fat guys who know way too much about Linux. Now excuse me while I go to Liz Hatch's blog and stare at her border again. Hawt.

  7. Ron,
    My six are up. I had a hard time finding six, this is the third time I have been tagged, and I'm running out of stories. Thanks for thinking of me.

  8. Thanks Dave! My pleasure..


Thank you. I read every single comment.