Tuesday, November 03, 2009

2009 Weblog Awards - Nominate & Vote For The Bee!

Hey everyone. So a little about me again. I'm a mechanical engineer currently dabbling in electro-optics full-time after quitting my previous job in the petroleum industry. On the side, I survive through a rabid fascination for cycling and its many aspects, from tech and history to culture.

For the past 3-4 years, this blog has given you varied articles that many of you love and use as reference/research. Some are so controversial they are discussed on forums to the point where people trade barbs with each other. Popular posts such as Serious Cycling=Serious Legs, Power to Weight Ratio, Lore of The Victory Salute, Church Of Lance Armstrong, The Ideal Weightweenie and numerous others are staples of this blog.

Even though I'm not as HUGE as some of the other blogs people read, I will tell you one thing right away. No individual cycling blogger might come close to the variety of topics I write about in depth or the quality of links I pollinate. I say that pretty proudly unless you show me another.

In fact, the kind of readers I get stands testimony to the site's popularity and strength of content. I receive periodic attention from MIT Engineering and Design, U of Delft, Cornell, and various other American universities who use my blog to even engage students in the classroom.

Bikers who work with Lockheed Martin and the Boeing Company have conversed with me in the past. Two big cycling companies approached me soliciting employment offers after the blog, safe to say, impressed them. Not to exclude, authors of best-selling cycling books and inventors of cycling products are also in this company of readers. The average time spent by a reader is about 3 mins and 6 seconds. Now I consider that PLENTY for the fast paced, attention deficit disorderly world we live in today.

For the folks among you who aren't so technical minded, I write quite a number of general articles and share my perspectives, both on the serious and the funny side of things. I make great efforts to make articles readable by all, regardless of nationality. In fact, over the past one year, I have been attracting lots of readers from South America, India and China who share an equal love for cycling but may not be very talented at the English language. I'm pretty sensitive to that issue. I think English by far is the hardest language to master. Anyone disagree?

While content is free to all, I haven't always felt that I'm not doing a thankless job (I'm human afterall). Now you can get to show your annual appreciation by nominating and voting for Cozy Beehive towards the 2009 Weblog Awards. Turns out, there's no prize money or medals offered, but the recognition will go a long way. Last year, I was a finalist in the category of Best Sport Blog but didn't go any further as the competition was just too stiff out there.

All relevant details on how to nominate and vote can be found on the Weblog awards website. See Nominations FAQ and the list of nominations page where you may vote for my blog against what you feel I deserve! See you all there!

Meanwhile, any of you who are serious about blogging and pay attention to content must join the party too!! Ok ok, I'll cut out the sales pitch now.


CompetitiveCyclist.Com : Cozy Beehive Blog Review (Top 2)
2009 Weblog Awards Voting Page - Nominations Master List

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  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Your blog is a work of genius. If there's anything that has annoyed me at times, its the long urls for your site. I was wondering if you would have your own domain name sometime in future?

  2. To move into a new infrastructure would cost me time and money. So right now, no is the answer.

  3. Amazing material here on the blog. I came through ref. from weblogawards. Thanks.

  4. Not really Ron, Blogger supports domain names, and when you assign a domain to the site, the platform automatically redirects all queries to the corresponding URL.

    Just go into settings and publishing I think...

    I'm the guy being nominated with you in the best tech blog category for the 2009 weblog awards btw :)

  5. Geeks : Are you sure about that? Honestly the last time I studied about this blogger feature was last year. I'm a little concerned about people having bookmarked this website and not being able to find it if I change my domain name. If Google can automatically direct people to the new domain, that would be great. Maybe I should spent some time looking at Blogger's features since I bet a lot would have changed since the last time I played around with it. Thanks.

    Tech blog? Well...I associate tech with gadgets and computers. Ideally I would like to be in the Sports category. Oh well... :)

  6. Voted for all the ones that mentioned your blog :)

  7. Thanks Andreas. I appreciate that although it looks like I'm getting squashed haha


Thank you. I read every single comment.